Spring Back to Life

Today I had the pleasure of meeting my dear friends newest addition to the family. A simply beautiful and perfectly new baby boy. It got me thinking about the hope that a new life brings, anticipation of the arrival, followed by the sheer joy of seeing them nestle their place in a family, as if they had always been there. Every moment of each day they are literally awakening to life, having been cocooned for 9 months in a safe place that they know as home.   Newborns are thrust into change, into growth, into learning and development and they take it completely in their stride. Fearlessly and using their innate instinct, they take on new challenges each day whilst being nurtured and supported by the strong force of love that surrounds them. We LOVE them, their newness is so refreshing, each and every person that meets a newborn baby feels that sense of beginning, that thirst for life, that appreciation for a small child that will blossom and grow and teach us so many things as they do so.

 Child birth reminds me of Spring, my favourite season of the year, it’s such a period of transition and renewal. The earth quite literally awakens from its slumber, the sun shines just that little bit more, the buds bloom, the animals arise and there is something in the air that you can’t quite put your finger, it just feels different, more alive.   In our own lives, Spring can be a symbolic time for new projects, sewing seeds, starting a fresh, it’s a perfect season to  contemplate our health and well being and look to what changes we would like to make. The holiday season is over, no more need for high calorie, carbohydrate filled food. No excuses for putting off the early morning jog or the long evening walk. Spring rolls into our lives effortlessly and somehow makes us realise we need to pick up the slack.   To kick start this season of transformation, Naturally New You is teaming up with some amazing women on a health and well being ‘nutrition mission!’ We are launching a two week ‘Spring Clean Cleanse’ detox programme. There will be tailored meal plans, a secret Facebook group, 1:1 wellness coach to support you and lots of positivity and motivation. It’s a perfect way to Spring back to life again! This programme is completely free all you need to do is email me at naturallynewyou@outlook.com or comment below with your email address. 

I look forward to walking this journey with you 😀

Emotional Eating & How to Beat it! 

I have struggled with my weight from my mid teens onwards and gained weight consistently year after year, now in my 30’s and 2 children later I am finally facing my demons and tackling my body beautiful. Yes I want to lose pounds, yes I want to get in shape and yes I want to look like a new woman but more importantly, I want to be healthy. I want to be healthy inside and out and that includes my mind. I had very turbulent teenage years and I used various vices to help me cope with difference stressful situations, it is only now, as I reflect back, that I realise this is where I became an emotional eater. 

Emotional eating is when we consume large quantities of food (usually junk or comfort foods) in response to feelings instead of hunger. Eating them becomes a habit that heals our emotional problems in the short term but doesn’t help us to effectively resolve the distress. 

A few months ago I began a health programme to help me improve my lifestyle and lose weight, I’ve had success and so far lost 2 stone but I hit a stumbling block and old habits started to creep back in. I now mentor and support other women on their journey and it’s through my own experiences that I have realised that weight loss is much more than being on a “food diet.” We have to address the psychology of weight loss so that we can understand our own habits and behaviours. If we don’t try to understand the root cause of why and how we gained all that weight in the first place, then no matter what programme we follow, we are simply delaying the inevitable of gaining that weight back. 

That is why I like to work with myself and my clients using a holistic approach because without a foundation, people’s efforts are a waste of time. To sustain long term health goals, we need to focus on our mindset. 

How to identify the triggers

There are many reasons why we might be emotionally drawn to eat. Socially, we may be encouraged by others, eating to fit in or because we are being “bullied” to eat. We may eat due to boredom, stress, tiredness, tension, depression, in essence we use food to some how fill a void in our lives. It may be situational because we are easily influenced, for example, passing a bakery and feeling we must go in and buy or eating whilst doing certain activities like watching TV. To identify what your triggers are, keep a diary for one week of what you eat, when and what stresses, thoughts or emotions you have at the time. You will soon start to identify a pattern. 

If like me, you are prone to emotional eating then try this – when you feel “hungry” and you are heading for the fridge, ask yourself, would you eat Broccoli now? 

So the first step to addressing emotional eating is recognising that we are doing it. Then we need to ask ourselves a series of questions (because questions are empowering.) 

1. What is really bothering me in this moment. 

2. What am I really hungry for? (Love, attention, communication) 

3. What can I do about it? 

4. Why am I choosing not to do anything about it? 

Emotional eating removes power from us, we give in to the ecstasy that the food provides. In the moment we are eating, we forget everything and just focus on the tastes, the textures, the pleasure of the food we’re eating. However this is followed (usually very quickly) by feelings of guilt and regret. The reasons we had emotionally eaten in the first place, come back into play because we only suppressed them, we didn’t attempt to deal with them. 

So the key is to get specific about what is really bothering us and actually take action.   

When I feel myself about to attack the cookie jar I try and divert my attention. We need to search for alternative responses to the trigger so here are some of my top tips. 

  • Drink a large glass of water 
  • Make yourself busy – housework usually helps! 
  • Change the environment, go for a walk
  • Put some music on or listen to something that will motivate and empower you 
  • Talk to a friend or “offload” whatever is bothering you 
  • Keep a journal 
  • Surround yourself with visual affirmations 

Whatever it is, keep searching until you find things that work for you and know that it’s a habit and all habits can be broken with some focus, the right support and determination to better yourself. 

If you would like more information about the programme I follow or are interested in working with me to reach your weightloss goals, please contact me at naturallynewyou@outlook.com

Social Media & The Empowerment of Women

In honour of International Women’s Day this week I wanted to write about something that is close to my heart. My whole business is built around the power of social media and I really believe it can contribute to the empowerment of women.

Social media is a crazy world that has developed an unbelievable amount in the last decade. I have previously worked mentoring young people on virtual learning programmes so I am very familiar with the power of the digital online world and what it can do to enhance the quality of people’s lives. 

These different platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc) welcome women online and introduce them to a world where they can voice their opinions, share experiences, discuss issues and exchange knowledge. It empowers because it allows women’s voices to be heard, unapologetically, without being filtered and across a huge virtual landscape and beyond. 

For many social media began as a leisure pursuit, something to fill time, to share and update friends and family, to take selfies and play games. But there is no doubt that it has steadily become something much more significant. 

Now women have the opportunity to turn those exchanges into something more concrete, they can finally explore their passion and their creativity without even having to leave the house. They are growing and developing personally and professionally, gaining new skills and making lasting connections. Many women have dreams, ambitions for their future, buy are held back by circumstances.   

More and more women are venturing out into the world of online businesses whether it’s to pursue a life long hobby or  provide an additional income, they are out there and it’s happening. They can reach any market, local, regional or even international and that means great things for the empowerment and productivity of women in business. 

The way the world works is changing. The way we communicate is changing. The way we live our lives and the way we do business, is changing. Women are, and always have been, change makers. You can watch it happen or you can be part of it. 

Naturally New You is now recruiting for online wellness coaches to join the expanding team, if you are interested in knowing more about the opportunity you can contact me at naturallynewyou@outlook.com



The Truth About Motherhood – Mothers Day 2016

I never really knew how becoming a mother would make me feel. I focused long and hard on pregnancy (first time around, second time I was way too busy to think at all!) but I put little thought Into how I would actually parent. I didn’t know what kind of mum I wanted to be and I had no idea what was about to hit me, smack bang in my face! 

But then this is incredible, tangible thing happened, it was called instinct. Every mother has it but it looks different to all of us. I was guided day after day (and still am) by this strong and full sensation in the pit of my stomach that says “do this or do that,” or more often than not “this doesn’t feel right.” Each time I have honoured this feeling, despite whether it has been the right thing for my own needs or not. That’s not an easy thing to do.  

Mothering two small children is hard, there is no doubt about it & no one quite prepares you for the ugly parts of parenting, the parts that you hope no one else will see, the parts that you beat yourself up over night after night. No one prepares you for the child that doesn’t sleep through the night or wean from the breast or the child that hits, punches, scratches and screams embarrassing things at the top of their voice when out in public. No one tells you what to do with the emotions you feel when all of the above happens. No one tells you the pressure you will be under to “get things right.” 

It can be incredibly beautiful to see a small human that you created, grow and blossom into their own skin but it can also be scarily disempowering to feel like you lost all sense of control and are basically under the thumb (as small as that thumb may be) of a 2 year old! 
People don’t see you in the dark of night when you cry because you feel like you’re failing and you just want half an hour to yourself, when you cry because you feel guilty for wanting that half an hour. When you cry because you love them so much it hurts and you cry because you don’t want to “mess them up.” Then you cry because you feel like you’re being judged or that people closest to you just don’t understand that sometimes you need to say “it’s hard,” and that doesn’t mean you don’t love the bones of your kids and your not grateful to have them. You also cry because it’s all going too quickly and you know that one day they will flee the nest that you worked so hard to create and you will have to trust that everything you did was enough to hold them strong in this big wide world. 

There will be times when you will question the love that brought these children to you in the first place. Will it ever be “you and him” again or will you forever define your relationship as the parents that you have now become? You try your best to navigate the differences, the compromises, the fighting fire to be the best together whilst seemingly becoming total opposites. You wonder how you lost that sense of self, that drive and ambition to be and to do. 



Motherhood is beautiful, raw and unimaginable. It’s also exhausting and complicated and unbelievably challenging. It strips you back and reveals your best and your worst. It teaches you things you didn’t even know you needed to learn and feeds you with an immense desire to better yourself. Not for you but for them, because they were Gods gift to you and whatever happens on this incredible journey you know that your struggles will shape you and make you stronger, prouder and more determined. 

To all the mothers out there past, present and future, don’t believe all the glossy magazines or flouncy Facebook posts- being a mum isn’t glamorous or sugar coated but it is the most rewarding hard work you will ever do. Never forget how completely amazing you are. Happy Mothers Day! 

To connect with me personally please contact me at naturallynewyou@outlook.com or follow me on Instagram @naturally_new_you

9 Top Tips For A Great Day! 

A little under a year ago I embarked on a journey to adopt a healthier lifestyle, realising I wasn’t getting any younger and with a second baby on the way, I knew I would need all the energy I could get! I really believe that becoming healthier needs a holistic approach and as I wander through this journey, I am trying to address the root of all my bad habits and constantly look for ways to improve my mindset. I fully believe this is half the battle, particularly when trying to lose weight. 

It’s still a work in progress, but here are my 8 top tips for having a great day! 

 1. Skip the coffee! Yes I know, I feel the pain of that tip as well, I am not human without my morning coffee and I haven’t completely perfected this part of my routine but I am trying! Instead, start your day with warm water and s slice of lemon. It gives you a natural energy boost, kick starts your metabolism, cleanses the skin and has lots of other health benefits. 

2. Don’t rush immediately to your mobile phone! If the first thing you do is check your Facebook / Instagram, you are immediately focusing on the outside world and all the madness that comes with it! Instead, focus on you and preparing yourself for the day ahead. If you can get into the habit then meditate, just for ten minutes and really focus your mind. I’m currently using a free App called headspace which has some great guided meditations. 


3. Move yourself!! This goes hand in hand with tip 2! Some simple stretches or light yoga/ exercise will really awaken your body and help you connect and prepare. I am following a 30 day yoga challenge at the moment and have noticed a huge difference in how I feel just by completing 15mins of yoga practise each morning. 

4. Have a nutritional breakfast! We all know it’s the most important meal of the day. I start the morning off with a plant based protein shake that contains the essence of 17 different fruits and vegetables. It gives me a real boost and really sets me up! 

5. Personal development. There is not a greater project you can work on than you! It is so important to commit time each day to develop yourself, there are some great speakers out there that can really lift you up and have you reaching for the stars- two of my personal favourites are Tony Robbins and Les Brown. 

6. Get the nasty stuff done first! Make a ‘to do’ list, prioritise your tasks and do the nasty ones first to release yourself of the burden, otherwise you just spend the whole day with a silly job hanging over your shoulder. 


7. Get outside in nature! It’s incredible what getting outside can do for you and I’m a big believer in connecting with nature and the elements in order to feel revived, particularly if you are having a bad day, it really helps release endorphins and can change your whole mood. 

8. Add value to people’s lives. Always think each and every day how you can serve others, how you can give some value. When you position your day from a heart driven place it comes right back at you in leaps and bounds.

9. Have gratitude. Take a moment at the end of each day to give thanks for the things that would normally go unnoticed. It really makes a huge difference to your day if you focus on what you do have, rather than what you don’t. 

I hope you have enjoyed these tips. Please let me know in the comments below what you do within your daily routine that helps you have a better day. It really is great to share and help each other to stay uplifted. 

If you want to connect with me personally, you can email me at naturallynewyou@outlook.com 

The movement of the work at home mum

I recently came across the quote “not just a mum” and it really struck a chord with me because it’s something I have been grappling with ever since I went on maternity leave when I was pregnant with my first daughter. 

I was overwhelmed with emotion as I left the office on my last day and I felt that I was leaving my “young professional” identity at the door. Looking back, I had no idea how much motherhood was about to change me from the very inner core of myself. For the next 9 months I was consumed wholeheartedly by my sweetheart and I embraced being at home and watching her grow.
  (Throw back – me and Fatima) 

Going back to the work place when she was so small was the hardest thing I ever did. I don’t even know why I did it. I guess I just thought “that’s what women do, they have babies and they go back to work.” But it wasn’t the same, I wasn’t the same and quite simply…I couldn’t do it. So falling pregnant for the second time Alhumdulilah was like a blessing in disguise. I could then walk away knowing I tried but it was time to refocus and commit to my family. 

Being a full time mum has allowed me to be completely present in my children’s lives and I absolutely love it but I guess you could say that I am still redefining and figuring out who I am and what my new dreams might be. 

As a wife, I have been focused on supporting my husband with his dreams, in being patient whilst he works tirelessly on his goals for the sake of our future and our family. As a mother I am dedicated to nurturing and growing our little people and doing all that I can to meet their ever changing needs. But what can happen in today’s society is that people can make you believe in order to be great at all of that, you have to totally sacrifice yourself. Likewise, when your family are your everything and you are committed to nourishing it, you can forget to nourish yourself, to realise your own dreams, to set your own goals. 
Life has to be about balance, about finding that place that you can sit comfortably in and say “this is me,” and know that you are happy with it. Now, I find myself in this crazy category of “work at home mum” and for me, developing my business has allowed me to be a professional person again. It’s given me an opportunity to work on something that will challenge me in a completely different way and it’s a rebirth of a whole new identity. What I love the most about being a work at home mum is that my children are on this journey with me and there is so much they can learn from it too. 

I would like to introduce a good friend of mine who like me, just wanted a little more for herself. She will share some insight and her own perspective on being a work at home mum. 

Tell us a little about your business? 

It’s basically fash-tech which is a term I recently learnt about. We, being me and my sister are working towards a goal of creating a platform, for bloggers and customers such as yourself for the modest fashion market. This is my second business whilst being a stay at home mum. I initially started with a crafting company momentsoflife.co.uk. 

Why did you decided to be a work at home mother? 

Honestly I don’t think it was a conscious decision it happened because I wanted to fill my personal time with other things to develop myself. Whether it was a business, hobby or personal challenge I knew I had to do something for me, we as mothers have to work to nurture both our child and ourselves. 

Looking back, I think it helped with the mental challenges we go through in the first few months of being a new mum. At times I did think I was on the verge of PND but having something else to focus on really helped me personally. 
What are the biggest challenges? 

Biggest challenge I think is confidence, a lot of women and men can probably relate to that. My confidence has grown from reliance in Allah and that Allah will guide me. I have to be adaptable, one moment I’m changing a nappy or negotiating with my daughter about not eating a leaf and the next I’m negotiating advertising rates, switching roles is not easy.  
How do you find balance in juggling all your different roles? 

Some days it can be hard wearing all the different ‘hijabs’ and You have to learn to prioritise. Eg if my daughter isn’t well I will have to drop work  and some days my home may be a bit more ‘lived in!’ I also believe in approaching each day positively and viewing time as a blessing, this has helped me immensely. So I’d say changing my approach, being kind to myself and getting my intention right to start with! As Muslims we should have excellence in our work but often people confuse this for perfection, there’s a difference. 
What do you hope your child will gain from the experience? 

In sha Allah my children will grow up to realise that we are in this dunya (world) temporarily and whilst we are here we should help and contribute to the world in various ways through our homes and wider community. 
How and when do you find time for yourself where you can switch off? 
This I am figuring out still. It’s 4.00 am and I’m writing this! So when you have the answer let me know. As a mother I’m sure a lot of ladies will relate to this but having a shower for more than 20 minutes is a spa day to me so I guess I switch off then and I like to take walks with my daughter which help me. Night time prayer too when the home is quiet and it’s me and Allah. 

What would be your best advice for a mum that wants to start a business from home?
Simply and honestly ‘start’ ! Sometimes we mull over ideas and discuss them to the moon and back. Make the intention correct and go for it! Failure is not trying! Planning and researching the area you want to go into is also important. Be flexible and plan but be aware the plans may change. Believe in yourself and above all make dua. 

Please check out Amaliah by visiting http://www.amaliah.co.uk 

Reflections on 2015-my end of year message 

This year has been a total world wind, I began it employed, pregnant and living each day trying to juggle many different balls. I now find myself with two beautiful children Alhumdulilah and a much more comfortable pace of life. 
Nine months ago I was introduced to an opportunity, I started learning, listening, attending events, meeting new & inspiring people, studying, re inventing & most importantly, realising that I had something in the palm of my hand that could ultimately change mine and my families life. 

What I have right now is time freedom, the chance to work when I want in a way that suits me, what I have, Is my kids in my arms every single day. I feel empowered, I feel motivated I feel determined. See, I want my life to be focused and balanced in the right way, I want my priorities to always be on point, I don’t want to sell my soul to a 9-5 job that will leave me empty and torn. 

I am a Muslim, a wife, a mother. I have a masters, a blog, a YouTube channel and a passion for dancing like a mad woman around my lounge! I have travelled the world, worked abroad & dived with sharks. I have been dealt some shitty hands in life and some exceptionally good ones. 

But ultimately, I am a believer. I believe in God, I believe in striving to use the skills that God has given me and being the best that I can. I believe in working with integrity, I believe that change comes from within but sometimes we need a little help. I believe that you should dedicate yourself to serving others, to working from a heart driven place and to always stay committed. 

So what have I learnt throughout this last year? 

1. I am incredibly strong but I shouldn’t be complacent with that strength, it will be tested constantly so I should always strive to work on my self. 

2. Patience is so important in life, but being patient doesn’t always mean sitting and “waiting it out” or “riding the storm,” sometimes it can mean taking action to make changes. 

3. To get the things you want in life you have to push a little harder, move a little faster, stay up a little later and ultimately make some sacrifices. It takes hard work and dedication and you have to decided if you are ‘interested’ in your future or ‘committed.’ 

4. There will always be something to learn, never think you are at the top of your game, never let your ego take over…take time to learn the skills you need to do what it is you want to do, don’t expect to just be able to do it over night. You will constantly need to revisit things and you should never give up on developing yourself, it really is the key to moving forward. 

5. Be organised and focus on the task in hand. When you are working, work- remove distractions as much as you can and get to it. When you are with your kids, put the work aside and give them the attention they deserve. If you aren’t good at certain things (for me it’s balancing my different roles and being efficient in all of them) then seek guidance and practical help to implement strategies that will help you. 

6. Don’t be afraid to say that something is hard, that you aren’t coping and that you need support or dare I say it, a break! Accept offers of help and take time out when you need it. If your tank is empty how can you nourish others? 

7. Do it for others. Be the person that inspires, encourages and supports, be the reason someone didn’t give up, be the reason someone started to believe in themselves again. Be that one person who didn’t walk away, who didn’t say “I can’t” and who always gave out positivity and light even if they didn’t feel it themselves.

Our time is short and as we see in a new year we should be immensely grateful to God, we should take time to count our blessings and realise how very privileged we are. Look around you at the state the world is in, at the people living in war torn countries, at those who have nothing. The very fact that you are reading this post tells me you have a lot more than many others. So use it, don’t waste it. Don’t settle. 


I wish you all a wonderful, inspiring year ahead filled with blessing and opportunity. 

If you are interested in what I do and you are looking for a new challenge, feel free to message me for more information. I am building my team in 2016 and I’m open to have anyone walk this journey with me. 


Breast feeding, Tandem & Nutrition

I began my breast feeding journey nearly two years ago when my first daughter was born, I never questioned doing anything else but little did I know the journey I was about to embark on. 

It wasn’t always easy, as a first time mum I constantly questioned myself but I had great support from my husband, my fellow breast feeding mamas and an amazing local lactation consultant. I would google all sorts of madness during the early hours of the morning and became an avid fan (or perhaps desperate stalker) of websites like KellyMom and The Milk Meg. 

My friends and I would exchange articles, tips, struggles and suddenly the months just flew by and before I knew it I was returning to work and still had a little nursling on my hands (well actually, on my boob!) 

My daughter was 12 months old when I fell pregnant and I had no intention of ending our breast feeding journey prematurely. In the west and Europe in particular, nursing beyond six months is not common and is also not particularly supported, there is a huge emphasis on “getting your life back” and an expectation for women to return to work as soon as possible. Being married to someone from a different culture really helped me with this because my husband never questioned my desire to continue nursing our daughter, in fact, he thought it was completely normal.

I became accustomed to “the look” when I told people I was still breastfeeding my toddler but it didn’t phase me. 

See, since becoming a mother, I’ve always followed my instincts. I never planned what kind of parent I would be, it just sort of happened and I found myself only feeling comfortable when being led by my child. 

So, despite the comments I got during my pregnancy, despite the fact that my milk dried up, despite the sleep deprivation and the nursing aversion, I continued on, because I wanted the best for my child. Islamically, mothers are encouraged to breast feed (if they can) until their child is two. That was (and still is as she is not quite two) my daughters Islamic right over me. It is very important to me to uphold that if I have the means to do so. 

Many women told me she would “self wean” during my pregnancy….they lied!!!! So I soon began to realise that tandem feeding was inevitable and actually, I was very open to it for a number of reasons but here are some. 

  • Bonding and reduced jealousy – I knew it would be a difficult period of adjustment for my first born so for her to be able to come back to her comfort at my breast was important to me. I wanted her to feel secure and have a unique opportunity to bond with her sister. The moments when they hold hands, or the youngest loses her latch and the eldest helps her out, when they stroke each other or twiddle each other’s hair, it’s magical.


  • Sharing- my toddler does have to share and/or be considerate of her sister, sometimes she does it beautifully and other times she gets quite frustrated (it has also meant she has been quite possessive in other areas) but all are valuable lessons, my eldest is very sensitive to her sisters needs and generally, they both manage nursing together, really well. 


  • Rest and tantrums- having two children so close together is hard work, having a toddler hit the ‘terrible twos’ when you have a newborn to contend with is madness…being able to solve almost any tantrum with your breast…magic! It also means that if I am run ragged and I just need to put my feet up, I breastfeed them together and voila, peace and quiet! 

Now, tandem feeding has come with its downsides and I have to say, wholeheartedly it’s been the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I’ve had sleep deprivation beyond what I thought was possible (toddler is not night weaned and had major sleep regression when baby arrived which still hasn’t particularly improved), I’ve felt completely overwhelmed by how much physical contact my kids have over me, I’ve had major nursing aversion and at times I’ve literally felt torn in half. 

One of the things that has been incredibly important throughout this whole experience has been my own health, well being and nutrition. My emotional health has been well looked after, with great thanks to wonderful people who have listened to me drone on and on about breast feeding. However, my physical health is only really down to me and I had to make sure that I was really looking after myself. A few months back I began taking JuicePlus premium capsules which contain the essence of 30 different fruits, vegetables and berries. 

They are 100% natural and organic so I had no worries with using them whilst pregnant or breastfeeding and they are literally flooding my body with goodness. More recently, I have added the JuicePlus complete which is a plant based protein powder that I use to make nutritional shakes for my breakfast. 

This helps with weight loss but also gives me a great balance to my diet. I use these products alongside a healthy eating plan as well as drinking 2-3 litres of water per day. Considering what my body is doing on a daily (and nightly) basis, I am feeling amazing. I have great energy, good hormone balance, improved skin and I’m losing my baby weight at a steady pace whilst also nourishing my children. The best thing about breastfeeding is that they get to receive all the benefits too. 
If you are a breastfeeding mother (or plan to be) and especially if you find yourself tandem feeding like I did, then it is vital you look at your nutrition. Changing and monitoring what I put into my body has had a huge impact on what I’ve been able to do over the last few months and it’s certainly helped me to cope with the demands of mothering two small children. 

If you have any questions relating to breastfeeding, tandem feeding or the JuicePlus products I’ve mentioned, then please drop me an email at naturallynewyou@outlook.com

Body Care – Do you really love your body? 

Do you ever think deeply about your body? About its mechanics and how beautifully and carefully it was crafted together? Do you ever reflect on the different organs, bones and muscles. Do you think about how they have their own rhythm, their own specific function, and yet they come together so skilfully and safely house your soul. We owe our body so much yet we give it so little. 

We take for granted how precious our body really is. What a gift it is to us. We were blessed to be given life at all and many of us spend our days contemplating how we will ‘make the most of it.’ We think about what we want to do with our lives, we make goals, feed our souls, seek out inspiration. But our body (and its health) is the vessel that will take us to all these things. Without a nurtured body, we simply have a shell. 


Take some time today to consider how you really treat your body. Are you taking good enough care of it? I know I’m not. 

Maybe we need to think of the behaviour and attitude we have towards our body. Are we committed, respectful and honest to it? Do we invest in it? Do we communicate well with it? If not then why not? 

Perhaps because we don’t see the value in it, because we haven’t realised its worth, because so far, it’s served us well and we assume it always will.  

 Do you need to make changes?   
Think it through. Make a plan. Commit. Believe. Do. 

Your body needs you and you certainly need it. 

Why I am saying NO to the 9-5!

I have always been a working woman, right from a young age I wanted to earn my own money. I never saw it as someone else’s responsibility to provide for me, I grew up believing that if there were things in life that you wanted, you had to go out and graft for them. After finishing my A levels I moved to London, I worked part time during the three years of my undergraduate degree, I went on and worked to fund a 6 month trip around the world and when I came back I worked whilst studying for a Masters.

I then landed a job with a local authority in Alternative Education and for the last five years that has been my existence. I have loved and hated what I do, it has challenged me, inspired me, grounded me and at times, almost killed me! I have been fortunate that I never really had that ‘sick in the stomach’ feeling of not wanting to go to work but I have not always loved my job. I’ve had the pleasure of working with some amazing colleagues over the years but equally I have had to endure personalities and practise that has compromised who I am and what I believe in.

Being in an office environment can create a huge sense of belonging and security but it can also stifle you and lead you to believe that you are not capable of more.


Having studied a specialist leadership course as part of my professional development I began to realise that what surrounded me was uninspiring and actually quite deskilling, there were no real opportunities to progress unless you fought for them.

I had a promotion, I gained a strong level of expertise in my field, I developed new initiatives but I reached my limit, there was little else for me to do and no exciting opportunities to move on to.

Then something happened that changed everything. I fell pregnant. I remember walking out of the office on my last day before maternity leave as an emotional wreck. All I knew myself as was a professional women, I couldn’t wait to be a mother but I was terrified I was giving up a huge part of who I was and what I had worked all my life  to achieve. I was at the top of my game and the future was unknown.


This feeling didn’t last long, I slipped naturally into motherhood and as with most things in my life I embraced it with passion and commitment. It challenged me in a way I didn’t think possible, it opened up a whole new world to me and it introduced me to people that have inspired me on another level. My little girl became my everything from the moment she arrived, and together, her daddy and I are determined to build for her the foundations that we never had.

Before I knew it nine months had flown by and that dreaded ‘return to work’ phrase was constantly on the tip of my tongue. I went back because I just thought thats what people do. It wasn’t a comfortable place to be in and I struggled with the whole process more than I ever imagined I would. I was devastated to leave my baby and felt I was split into a million pieces. The first few months were just awful, I didn’t want to be there it was as simple at that. I was a different person with different prioritises and I felt like I was always compromising something. If my daughter was sick I was under pressure, if there were problems with my childcare I was under pressure and if there was stress in the workplace I felt I couldn’t commit in the way I had done before.

Not only that, there was no real financial gain in my being there, I was working to someone else’s agenda, I had to ask permission to take a day off or feel uncomfortable if my child was sick and needed me. I was stuck on a pay scale that I knew wasn’t likely to change and I found the daily environment negative and oppressive. There were constant politics, constant frustrations and the work did not hold the same meaning for me. Every day I questioned why I was there and what I was gaining from it?


Fast forward a few months and by Gods grace I discovered I was pregnant again, this was the moment that I knew that I had to change things, for myself and for my family. I embarked on a journey to find a way that I could transfer my skills, build on my personal strengths, use my intellect and continue to develop myself professionally, all whilst putting my children and my family life first. Without giving up the best job of being a mother to sing to someone else’s tune and without running myself into the ground in the process.

What I found and what I have gone on to invest in, is a business opportunity that can enable me to reach all of these goals and more. It provides me with the ability to be my own boss, set my own pace and be surrounded by positive and motivated people that are determined to build their own success – this vibe becomes your tribe and it is infectious. My passion has always been to help other people, to support people to overcome difficulties, to believe in themselves and find the strategies to enable positive change in their lives. My whole career so far has been built on the principle that everyone deserves a chance, an opportunity for a better future and no one should be left on the side lines. The business I am developing now is no different. In fact it builds upon that because it focuses on your health and well being as the basis for your growth both physically and mentally.


The most exciting thing for me right now is that there is so much potential, there are no limits as to how far I can go with this, there is no set pay scale, I am not dependent on anyone else for promotion or professional development. I go as far as I push myself to go, I earn as much as I am prepared to work for and the only thing between me and my financial freedom is myself and my own determination. I have more belief in my potential than ever before, I know I can change lives and I know I can give back and above anything else I know that from this day forward I will always be able to put my family before anything else.

So my message to you, don’t feel constrained by the 9-5, don’t allow anyone to convince you that you aren’t worth more and don’t make sacrifices that you will regret later in your life.

Anything is possible.