Body Care – Do you really love your body? 

Do you ever think deeply about your body? About its mechanics and how beautifully and carefully it was crafted together? Do you ever reflect on the different organs, bones and muscles. Do you think about how they have their own rhythm, their own specific function, and yet they come together so skilfully and safely house your soul. We owe our body so much yet we give it so little. 

We take for granted how precious our body really is. What a gift it is to us. We were blessed to be given life at all and many of us spend our days contemplating how we will ‘make the most of it.’ We think about what we want to do with our lives, we make goals, feed our souls, seek out inspiration. But our body (and its health) is the vessel that will take us to all these things. Without a nurtured body, we simply have a shell. 


Take some time today to consider how you really treat your body. Are you taking good enough care of it? I know I’m not. 

Maybe we need to think of the behaviour and attitude we have towards our body. Are we committed, respectful and honest to it? Do we invest in it? Do we communicate well with it? If not then why not? 

Perhaps because we don’t see the value in it, because we haven’t realised its worth, because so far, it’s served us well and we assume it always will.  

 Do you need to make changes?   
Think it through. Make a plan. Commit. Believe. Do. 

Your body needs you and you certainly need it. 

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