Spring Back to Life

Today I had the pleasure of meeting my dear friends newest addition to the family. A simply beautiful and perfectly new baby boy. It got me thinking about the hope that a new life brings, anticipation of the arrival, followed by the sheer joy of seeing them nestle their place in a family, as if they had always been there. Every moment of each day they are literally awakening to life, having been cocooned for 9 months in a safe place that they know as home.   Newborns are thrust into change, into growth, into learning and development and they take it completely in their stride. Fearlessly and using their innate instinct, they take on new challenges each day whilst being nurtured and supported by the strong force of love that surrounds them. We LOVE them, their newness is so refreshing, each and every person that meets a newborn baby feels that sense of beginning, that thirst for life, that appreciation for a small child that will blossom and grow and teach us so many things as they do so.

 Child birth reminds me of Spring, my favourite season of the year, it’s such a period of transition and renewal. The earth quite literally awakens from its slumber, the sun shines just that little bit more, the buds bloom, the animals arise and there is something in the air that you can’t quite put your finger, it just feels different, more alive.   In our own lives, Spring can be a symbolic time for new projects, sewing seeds, starting a fresh, it’s a perfect season to  contemplate our health and well being and look to what changes we would like to make. The holiday season is over, no more need for high calorie, carbohydrate filled food. No excuses for putting off the early morning jog or the long evening walk. Spring rolls into our lives effortlessly and somehow makes us realise we need to pick up the slack.   To kick start this season of transformation, Naturally New You is teaming up with some amazing women on a health and well being ‘nutrition mission!’ We are launching a two week ‘Spring Clean Cleanse’ detox programme. There will be tailored meal plans, a secret Facebook group, 1:1 wellness coach to support you and lots of positivity and motivation. It’s a perfect way to Spring back to life again! This programme is completely free all you need to do is email me at naturallynewyou@outlook.com or comment below with your email address. 

I look forward to walking this journey with you 😀

9 Top Tips For A Great Day! 

A little under a year ago I embarked on a journey to adopt a healthier lifestyle, realising I wasn’t getting any younger and with a second baby on the way, I knew I would need all the energy I could get! I really believe that becoming healthier needs a holistic approach and as I wander through this journey, I am trying to address the root of all my bad habits and constantly look for ways to improve my mindset. I fully believe this is half the battle, particularly when trying to lose weight. 

It’s still a work in progress, but here are my 8 top tips for having a great day! 

 1. Skip the coffee! Yes I know, I feel the pain of that tip as well, I am not human without my morning coffee and I haven’t completely perfected this part of my routine but I am trying! Instead, start your day with warm water and s slice of lemon. It gives you a natural energy boost, kick starts your metabolism, cleanses the skin and has lots of other health benefits. 

2. Don’t rush immediately to your mobile phone! If the first thing you do is check your Facebook / Instagram, you are immediately focusing on the outside world and all the madness that comes with it! Instead, focus on you and preparing yourself for the day ahead. If you can get into the habit then meditate, just for ten minutes and really focus your mind. I’m currently using a free App called headspace which has some great guided meditations. 


3. Move yourself!! This goes hand in hand with tip 2! Some simple stretches or light yoga/ exercise will really awaken your body and help you connect and prepare. I am following a 30 day yoga challenge at the moment and have noticed a huge difference in how I feel just by completing 15mins of yoga practise each morning. 

4. Have a nutritional breakfast! We all know it’s the most important meal of the day. I start the morning off with a plant based protein shake that contains the essence of 17 different fruits and vegetables. It gives me a real boost and really sets me up! 

5. Personal development. There is not a greater project you can work on than you! It is so important to commit time each day to develop yourself, there are some great speakers out there that can really lift you up and have you reaching for the stars- two of my personal favourites are Tony Robbins and Les Brown. 

6. Get the nasty stuff done first! Make a ‘to do’ list, prioritise your tasks and do the nasty ones first to release yourself of the burden, otherwise you just spend the whole day with a silly job hanging over your shoulder. 


7. Get outside in nature! It’s incredible what getting outside can do for you and I’m a big believer in connecting with nature and the elements in order to feel revived, particularly if you are having a bad day, it really helps release endorphins and can change your whole mood. 

8. Add value to people’s lives. Always think each and every day how you can serve others, how you can give some value. When you position your day from a heart driven place it comes right back at you in leaps and bounds.

9. Have gratitude. Take a moment at the end of each day to give thanks for the things that would normally go unnoticed. It really makes a huge difference to your day if you focus on what you do have, rather than what you don’t. 

I hope you have enjoyed these tips. Please let me know in the comments below what you do within your daily routine that helps you have a better day. It really is great to share and help each other to stay uplifted. 

If you want to connect with me personally, you can email me at naturallynewyou@outlook.com